Digital Fashion: Sociological Aspects of Research

Modem society is characterized by the development of computer information technology and telecommunications systems. One of the areas changing due to digitalization is the fashion industry. The development of new technologies, the coronavirus pandemic and the closure of physical stores have led to the phenomenon of digital fashion. This phenomenon is part of a larger trend called Fashion Tech. Fashion Tech is a new industry created at the intersection of fashion and modern innovative technology. This paper describes changes in the market of professions and requirements for designers’ work, and also reveals the peculiarities of interaction between social space and virtual reality. The concept of hybrid reality is introduced. The empirical study of designers’ opinions allowed to determine universal and narrowly focused practices of interaction with digital fashion. The problematic aspects in the development and popularization of digital fashion, such as the lack of technical equipment and the absence of a unified platform for the use of virtual closet items, as well as the low level of people’s awareness of this phenomenon, were described. Digital fashion is defined as a phenomenon that can become a source of inspiration and dictators of trends for designers of the physical world, creating prospects for self-realization and commercialization in the virtual space. A complete understanding of the phenomenon of digital fashion and its impact on modern society is given, and possible directions of its development are defined.

For citation: Kudrina E.V. Digital Fashion: Sociological Aspects of Research. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2023. N. 21. P. 117-134. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-21.t6kn-g502



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