Organizers and Historians of Soviet Health Care on the Problems of Their Field in 1960s-1980s

Health care in the USSR has been actively developing since about the end of the 1920s and until the beginning of the 1970s, when, on the one hand, the requirements, standards, and needs for the “services” of the health care system greatly increased, and, on the other hand, an inertial model of development was allowed not intensive, as in developed countries, but extensive — building up purely quantitative indicators of the industry, with a dangerous weakening of attention to preventive tasks, medical examinations, health education, etc. The article describes the features of the organization of health care in the USSR in the 1960s-1980s. based on statistical data and special literature 1957-2018 on the history of medicine and health care organization.

For citation: Symonovich Ch.E. Organizers and Historians of Soviet Health Care on the Problems of Their Field in 1960s-1980s. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2023. N. 20. P. 95-116. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-20.vs57-r231

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