Political socialization, social networks and communications: the main directions of research

This paper analyzes the main theoretical approaches to the study of political socialization and communication, reveals the features of the study of these processes in foreign and Russian discourse. The paper determines that studies normally describe the potential capabilities of agents and institutions of including social groups in offline political processes and political Internet communications. Based on the studied material, it is concluded that in social networks there is an active exchange of political information and ideas between users. A separate area of research is the analysis of the activities of political subjects, political sentiments of citizens, politics in promoting ideas or political programs among citizens. Consideration of empirical methods for studying the structure of political communication networks of Internet users showed that “hierarchy” and “social differentiation” are the key to the analysis of social networks. Particular attention was paid to the experience of researching communication networks. Gratitude: The work was supported by "Expert institute of social research" (EISR), scientific project "Gaming technologies of involvеment and conviction in political and civil communications in modern Russia" (№ 1022061700190-3-5.6.1).

For citation: Kolesnik N.V., Kornienko A.V., Khosueva S.D. Political socialization, social networks and communications: the main directions of research. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2022. N. 18. P. 86-100. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-18.1j02-j832

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