“Fathers and children” — a sociological portrait of generations in an ontological interior

Generational change is an old topic in fiction and even philosophical literature, but relatively new in sociology. T. Shanin placed great sociological hopes on this subject. Other well-known domestic sociologists, such as Yu. Levada and Vl. Yadov assessed more cautiously and even critically the opportunities of the "young generation" to be a marker of "progressive" changes in the life order of human society. At the same time, the phenomenon of “fathers” and “children” remains “indicative” both on the family and societal scales. The state of intergenerational relations is a living evidence of society in its civilizational dimension. Unfortunately, today many Western and domestic sociologists reduce the problem of "fathers" and "children" in the spirit of M. Weber to the rational-"digital" competence/incompetence of both. Obviously, the traditional dualism of "fathers" and "children" on this technocentric route will disappear by itself, but the ontological (existential) human and civilizational meaning of the coexistence of "fathers" and "children" will certainly remain as a "program" for the self-preservation of society. And to whom, no matter how sociologists, this concern is not closest because of their professionalism and social responsibility.

For citation: Shcelkin A.G. “Fathers and children” — a sociological portrait of generations in an ontological interior. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2022. N. 18. P. 5-34. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-18.htp8-1j56

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