Attitude to Inter-Ethnic Marriages as a Symptom of the Formation of Russian Identity

With a high proportion of inter-ethnic marriages support (70-77%), they are explicitly perceived as a phenomenon that lies outside the field of inter-ethnic processes in Russia and relates only to the interpersonal sphere. However, the figure of 70-77% is key in the description of the various interethnic behavior aspects for the Russian youth. Exactly this number of Russian students who say that they have national feelings, but exactly same number are ready and want to live in a multinational environment. They easily feel themselves among the representatives of other peoples of Russia and are confident that the peoples friendship in Russia is reviving. Thus, the figures referring to seemingly private family relations are not arbitrary, but they somehow relate to other inter-ethnic relations, as a whole. The young people attitude towards inter-ethnic nuptiality reflects an implicitly wider complex of ideas and feelings of contemporary Russian youth. This can be considered as one of the new Russian identity symptoms formation.

For citation: Lurie S.V. Attitude to Inter-Ethnic Marriages as a Symptom of the Formation of Russian Identity. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2019. N. 11. P. 68-80. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-11.20j9-ge83

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