Youth without Work: Family Support as a (De)Stabilizing Factor

Modern studies have found that the average age of achievement of professional and family status, traditionally related to the stage of adult life (stable work, career, family, marriage and children), is increasing. Increasingly, researchers problematising this process of growing up, highlighting a special group of young people who do not study and do not work (NEET-young people, no-no, hikikomori). they talk about the immaturity, lack of independence of the modern young generation (sometimes hanging the label of “lost generation”), not the desire to grow up and take responsibility. This model of behavior is typical not only for Russia, but also for developed countries. The article highlights the problem of interaction of young people from 20 to 30 years, who are outside the sphere of employment and study, with the parent family. Based on in-depth interviews with young people conducted in 2018, the author analyzes the relationship of unemployed or unstable young people with the social status of the family. Interviews with young unemployed people serve as a basis for identifying the factors of family influence on the formation of the strategy of children’s behavior in the labor sphere.

For citation: Demidenko S.Yu. Youth without Work: Family Support as a (De)Stabilizing Factor. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2019. N. 11. P. 50-67. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-11.skjk-q830

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