Analysis of Transnational Migrants’ Network Paths to Ideological Radicalization: An Overview of Current Research

The paper examines how the growth of digital technologies and online interactions trans- forms the research perspective on extremist activities of transnational migrants. The authors present an overview of current research on “digital transnationalism” and the ideological radicalization of transnational migrants in particular including studies of virtual / digital diasporas, transnational online communities, online extremism, etc. The paper argues that analysis network spaces where transnational migrants interact helps to reveal typical network paths of migrants that correspond to typical trajectories of migration. The authors notice that studying network paths of people involved in extremist practices is an important problem in contemporary Russia. In conclusion, they consider current situation and prospects of research on “transnationalism online” and “extremism online” in the social science.

For citation: Tregubova N.D., Starikov V.S. Analysis of Transnational Migrants’ Network Paths to Ideological Radicalization: An Overview of Current Research. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2018. N. 10. P. 50-64. DOI: 10.25990/socinstras.pss-10.mv3s-k422

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