The Non-Profit Sector as a Source of Social Capital and Resource for Social Mobility. By Setting the Research Objectives

This article analyzes the new sociology of the nonprofit sector approach - consideration of public initiatives and non-profit organizations as a source of non-monetary social capital (Bourdieu, Koul-man) and as a resource for individual intragenerational social mobility. It argued the relevance and analytical capabilities of this approach, including in correlation with the current Russian context. It presents reflections on possible methodological approach to the empirical study of these issues through the analysis of professional biographies of the representatives of the NGO sector.

For citation: Yakovleva A.A., Erofeeva P.A. The Non-Profit Sector as a Source of Social Capital and Resource for Social Mobility. By Setting the Research Objectives. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2016. N. 7. P. 319-349.
