This article discusses the historical and sociological views of Academician Alexander Sergeyevich Lappo-Danilevsky (1863-1919). In particular, based on the manuscripts preserved in the archives of the course «Scientific foundations of sociology in their historical development» given his assessment of the «natural science» or «bio-social» trend in sociology. The course was read in 1911. Most detailed Lappo-Danilevsky stayed on the teachings of Herbert Spencer, Charles Darwin and his followers. Critically assessing the organic trend in sociology for the reductionist methodology and preferring neokantian approach Lappo-Danilevsky seen in the development of alternative organicism epistemological problems of the social sciences. Addition to the manuscripts on the history of sociology Lappo-Danilevsky can serve published after his death, «Methodology of History» (1923), in which the historian gave an overview of the basic nomothetic teachings of the society.