Strategies of communication with the audience of youth lifestyle bloggers (based on YouTube platform)

Of the numerous formats of video blogging on the YouTube platform, Lifestyle is of particular research interest, which is the focus of this paper. Videos of this genre are spontaneous monologues of bloggers on everyday topics, which brings this manner of speech closer to natural speech. The article considers the methods of verbal communication of Lifestyle bloggers with their audience. 42 videos with an average duration of 20 minutes were selected for the study. The studied speakers belong to the same age category (15-25 years old) and have the same gender identity (women). We studied the features of linguistic portraits of each of the informants, as well as general trends in the speech of lifestyle bloggers. As a result of our analysis, we managed to identify and describe 5 types of communication with the viewer, which are used by lifestyle bloggers: “optimistic”, “ingenious”, “mentoring”, “professional” and “chaotic”. “Optimistic” type is characterised primarily by an emphasis on the viewer’s comfort, “ingenious” type implies the blogger’s tendency to express himself through the use of authorial speech turns, “mentoring” type aims to encourage the audience to take action, “professional” type is characterised by a special attention to the transfer of professional and worldly experience to the viewer, “chaotic” type is characterised by spontaneity and the absence of a clearly expressed purpose of the statement. The study revealed that the speech of lifestyle bloggers has special patterns: each speaker belongs to one of the above types.


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