Corporate training of employees on the basis of the company's EdTech in the context of business processes

The article analyzes the aspects of employee training in the conditions of detachment from the practices of solving business problems and difficult professional self-determination in the modern world. The reason for this phenomenon in the conditions of education is revealed and steps to overcome this problem are considered. The processes of interaction between “HR-specialists” and graduates of educational institutions and experienced professionals in the business environment are considered. Attention is emphasized on “HR-tools” for development of “hard-skills — hard skills, soft-skills — flexible skills” and values of employees in EdTech company taking into account business tasks. The correspondence of employee competencies to business tasks is actualized. In the article on the example of a large EdTech company — Educate Online Inc the step-by-step scenario of development of all knowledge, skills and abilities along with values in the adult generation through the prism of andragogy is translated.


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