Features of a sociological interview with older people with dementia. Trauma experience

The article presents an analysis of interviews of informants with a diagnosis of "dementia" in a comparative context with informants who are wards of a boarding school who do not have such a disease. The main attention is paid to the peculiarities of the researcher's work with interview data, which, unlike most interviews, are difficult to analyze, they contain semantic failures and contradictions. The usual methods of sociological interpretation are ineffective in such cases, and the researcher needs a fundamentally different approach to the perception and analysis of the material in order to break through unusual reflections and temporary collisions and get closer to understanding the informant. In the article, the author refers to the concept of trauma in order to understand and describe how the experience of experienced and experienced trauma of elderly people with dementia is refracted in the present tense and also in the article, the author answers the question of how such material can be used for sociological interpretation.

For citation: Galkin K.A. Features of a sociological interview with older people with dementia. Trauma experience. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2021. N. 16. P. 22-43. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-16.3jmt-2639



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