Theoretical heritage of S. I. Golod and modem studies of family, marriage and intergenerational relationship

The article examines theoretical and empirical heritage of one the recognized researchers of family, marriage and sexual issues in Russian sociology — S. I. Golod. The authors strove to show that Golod’s ideas about family relationship evolution, historical family types and the increasing role of intimacy in marital and intergenerational relationships are relevant today and are directly reflecte in the works of modern authors.

For citation: Nechaeva N.A., Burmykina O.N. Theoretical heritage of S. I. Golod and modem studies of family, marriage and intergenerational relationship. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2020. N. 13/14. P. 5-22. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-13-14.kexs-2d58

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